Friday, December 12, 2008

Getting better.......

So today I attempted my run again. I'm still back to taking baby steps, but it was definitely better. I think my calves are realizing that resistance is futile. And let me tell you, there is something about Bon Jovi songs that just get ya in the mood to run! I had told myself I was going to take it easy this week, but when Bon Jovi started in with the guitars and what not, I was PUMPED!

On the fundraising front, I am still at 16% of my goal. My mom and I are doing a cookie making party next weekend and I will be making cookies for my bake sale. I will take any special requests! I don't know the first thing about bake sales, even though I was in Rainbow Girls and Campfire. How am I supposed to price these things? Obviously they should be cheap but not too cheap. Anyone have any suggestions? Are there any veteran bake-salers out there?

I am really hoping to meet my goal of $1000 by February 1st. It is looking dim but I will not be discouraged. Please PLEASE reach deep into your pockets, or into your change jars, and donate to help the animals!

Today's playlist included:
"You Give Love a Bad Name" - Bon Jovi
"My Prerogative" - Britney Spears
"Money Money Money" - ABBA


Shannyn said...

OMG, I haven't done a bake sale in years! Just think "How much, if I were a stranger browsing these cookies, would I pay?"

Do you need help fundraising? I always have MK and have done fundraisers for other walks, but either way, good luck on your fundraising efforts, love you!