Thursday, January 29, 2009

2 more days 2 more days!!!!

Well, I officially have a massage appointment on Monday at 11:00am.

I can't wait! It's going to be so amazing right after the Big 5k. That is, if I don't die during the Big 5k. That might be a downer.....

Today and tomorrow are officially my last days to do any sort of training to get ready. We are supposed to taper down this week, but I just really feel like I'm not ready!!!
So I'm going to focus on Power Walking. I'm going to power walk 3.1 miles tomorrow and see how I feel. Hopefully if I don't die walking, I won't die too much running. That's my logic anyway......

I'm starting to get really nervous. Not even about actually running. I'm nervous about getting there and starting on time! I don't know San Francisco very well, so all the directions for the parking and shuttles might as well be in Swahili. I hate not being able to visualize where I'm going. I'm so nervous that I'm going to get lost and miss the shuttle and therefore miss the start!! Sheesh I need to calm down. I'm staying with my lovely Justine and her lovely family, and I plan to leave their house in South San Francisco shortly before 6:00am (oh dear lord). That will give me a whole hour to go a 23 minute distance and catch a shuttle to the start. I think I can handle that.....I think.

Not that I will want to be running at that horrifying hour of the morning. I can tell you right now, my alarm will go off and I will do one of the following:
1) roll over and go back to sleep
2) throw up
3) cry

Then I'll probably get my ass out of bed and get going. I didn't train for 2 months for nothing! I haven't run 5-6 miles per week for nothing!!! I am WOMAN! I can do this!!!

I will post a status report tomorrow!